In Edmonton and all around Alberta, insulating an attic is one of the best things that homeowners can do to control heating and cooling bills. Since summers can get warm and winters can get very cold, savings on heating and cooling may be very significant. In fact, research has shown that good insulation can save 25 percent or more on fuel bills. That means that this improvement can pay for itself very quickly.
The right way to insulate might depend upon the way that the attic gets used. For example, the first thing to decide is if this space will be a “cold” attic or a “warm” attic. This determines where most of the insulation should be applied in the attic.
A cold attic is one that won’t be used as living space. It may just be used as storage for things that can withstand some cool weather. In this case, it’s best to focus on insulating the floor of the attic to keep warm air inside the lower floors.
A warm attic is used as living space. For example, it might be made into a bedroom or playroom. In this case, the ceiling also needs to get insulated to keep warm air from escaping out through the home’s roof.
Older homes may already have insulation, but it just isn’t effective any longer. Newer insulation has been developed that’s much more effective than the type that used to be included with homes. New insulation is also safer to use.
However, it’s always a good idea to be wary around old insulation. Much of it contained asbestos, and this can be very hazardous to work with. It’s always best to hire a professional to remove old insulation because they know how to handle it safety.
A professional crew should be able to help install insulation very quickly. It might only take them a few hours. They have the right machines and knowledge to install insulation quickly. Of course, a professional crew will also know how to do the job correctly, so the homeowner gets the most benefit from the job after it has been completed.
Actually, most experts say that this is one project that really does pay for itself quickly. It may save 25 percent or more on heating and cooling bills in the winter and summer. Adding home insulation is not that expensive, so it’s often one of the first projects that people decide to have done when they want to conserve power.
Besides keeping power bills under control, good insulation gives homeowners many other benefits. For example, it can help keep the home more comfortable. When it becomes time to sell, energy efficient homes are usually more desirable to buyers too. Several studies have demonstrated that energy efficient homes also fetch higher prices. There are many reasons to invest in attic insulation in Edmonton.
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